

Individualized Education and Guidance

Personalized Support
for a Rewarding Student Life

Kokusai Junior College values a relationship of mutual trust with each and every student. Unlike four-year universities that have many students, our small advisory team and the student’s designated advisor can properly provide personalized guidance to each student.
In addition, faculty members, including the career support staff, work together to support your student life.

Expand Your Abilities with Personal Support

A One-on-OneAdvisor System

This is a system where advisor faculty members support all students for two years like a homeroom teacher in high school. Since there is a small number of students for one advisor, advisors can have a solid understanding of the personality and strengths of each student. Advisors provide personalized support in areas beyond academics including daily life and job hunting. Students can depend on their advisors to easily consult about their concerns.

Emphasis on two-way communicationSmaller 60-Minute Classes

General classes at Kokusai Junior College have about 40 students. However, we have developed smaller classes (around 16 for English conversation courses and around 35 for personal computer courses). In addition, we have adopted 60-minute classes to improve concentration and learning effectiveness. Here at Kokusai Junior College, we prioritize interactive communication between students and teachers.

Understanding student’s needsIndividual Interviews with Students

At the end of the semester, advisors hold one-on-one interviews with all students. Taking the individuality of each student into consideration to understand their hopes for the future, these periodic consultations can help assess each student’s progress. Working closely with each student, advisors are able to offer personal support based on each student’s individual situation and needs.

Faculty and staff cooperate to support employmentIndividualized Career Progression Charts

Faculty and staff conduct surveys about students’ areas of interest and create individualized career progression charts based on that information. Adding information such as college activities, progress, and career desires, faculty advisors and professional career support staff work together to properly support students during their job search.